Saturday, June 30, 2012

Genealogy Apps - 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 26

Week 26: Genealogy Apps: Which genealogy app has made your family history experience easier? Who makes the app and what does it do?  Share with others the details so they can learn about the app, too.

When I first got my Kindle Fire, I looked for genealogy apps and didn't find any. Soon after, came out with their free Ancestry app. The app displays family trees that you've entered on the site and does a good job of maximizing the space on the Kindle Fire. It allows updates to your tree, searching on Ancestry, and has a relationship calculator from a selected ancestor to yourself.

Sample tree for Ancestry app

To me, the most useful feature is that it downloads your trees to the Kindle Fire. The information can be displayed whether or not you are online, so this makes an easy and portable way to take your trees with you and use as a reference or share them with family.

I searched Amazon today for more genealogy apps compatible with the Kindle Fire and I see that a couple more have been added. They are for sites or family tree programs that I don't use, so the selection is still pretty limited. Hopefully, more apps will become available as the Fire matures.

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy by Amy Coffin is a series of weekly blogging prompts (one for each week of 2012) that invite genealogists and others to discuss resources in the genealogy community including websites, applications, libraries, archives, genealogical societies and more.

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